The St. Patrick's Day Mystery
The St. Patrick's Day Mystery The St. Patrick's Day Mystery Aja was excited when she arrived at school. It was her turn to be line leader. The bell rang for school to start. Aja proudly took her place at the front of the line. She walked beside her teacher, Ms. McBride, into the school and up to their classroom door. "What on Earth?" gasped Ms. McBride as she entered the room. The students crowded into the green and glittery classroom. All four walls were covered with decorations for St. Pa
The St. Patrick's Day Mystery

The St. Patrick's Day Mystery

Aja was excited when she arrived at school.It was her turn to be line leader.The bell rang for school to start.Aja proudly took her place at the front of the line.She walked beside her teacher, Ms. McBride, into the school and up to their classroom door.

"What on Earth?" gasped Ms. McBride as she entered the room.
The students crowded into the green and glittery classroom.All four walls were covered with decorations for St. Patrick's Day!
"Our room looks awesome!" said Sammy.
"Yay!" cheered the kids."Thank you Ms. McBride!"
Ms. McBride smiled and shook her head."Don't thank me. I didn't do this.It must have been the leprechauns!" she said with a grin.
"Really?" said Lucy. "Leprechauns came here?"
"What are leprechauns?" asked Sammy.
Now the whole classroom was abuzz with excitement. "Everyone come to the story rug," said Ms. McBride."I'll tell you the truth about leprechauns."
Aja smiled a little secret smile.Her older sister Ashley had Ms. McBride as a teacher two years ago.Ashley had told Aja what to expect on St. Patrick's Day in Ms. McBride's class.
"Leprechauns are magical little people from the island country of Ireland, across the Atlantic Ocean.They like to wear green and enjoy playing tricks on people for fun," said Ms. McBride.
Lucy held up her hand."My dad told me that leprechauns bury a pot of gold at the end of each rainbow," she said.
"That's right," said Ms. McBride, "and if you catch a leprechaun, you get three wishes!"
Anna raised her hand."Do you believe in leprechauns?" she asked Ms. McBride.
"Of course I do," smiled Ms. McBride."Where do you think these decorations came from?" she asked with a wink.