Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon
Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon Together in the Fall In the fall, Henry and his big dog Mudge took long walks in the woods. Henry loved looking at the tops of the trees. He liked the leaves: orange, yellow, brown, and red. Mudge loved sniffing at the ground. And he liked the leaves, too. He always ate a few. In the fall, Henry liked counting the birds flying south. Mudge liked watching for busy chipmunks. Since one was a boy and the o
Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon

Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon

Together in the Fall
In the fall, Henry and his big dog Mudge took long walks in the woods.
Henry loved looking at the tops of the trees.
He liked the leaves: orange, yellow, brown, and red.
Mudge loved sniffing at the ground.
And he liked the leaves, too. He always ate a few.
In the fall, Henry liked counting the birds flying south.
Mudge liked watching for busy chipmunks.
Since one was a boy and the other was a dog, they never did things just the same way.
Henry picked apples and Mudge licked apples.
Henry put on a coat and Mudge grew one.
And when the fall wind blew, Henry's ears turned red and Mudge's ears turned inside out.
But one thing about them was the same.
In the fall Henry and Mudge liked being together, most of all.
Under the Yellow Moon
Henry loved Halloween. He loved to make jack-o'-lanterns.
He loved to make paper bats.
And most of all he loved to dress up.
But there was one thing about Halloween Henry did not like: ghost stories.
And Henry's mother loved to tell ghost stories.
Every Halloween she put on her witch's hat, lit candles, and told ghost stories.
She thought Henry liked them because he told her he liked them.
But really he hated them. They scared him.
He was afraid to tell her that.
But this year Henry had Mudge. Mudge would be with him.
Henry would not be afraid of the ghost stories.
So Halloween night Henry's mother put on her hat and lit her candles.
She invited Henry and Mudge and some of Henry's friends to listen to ghost stories.
It was dark outside. A big yellow moon was in the sky.
It was dark inside, except for the candles and one jack-o'-lantern.
Henry got close to Mudge on the floor. Henry's mother began.
First she told a story about a man who lost his head.
Henry shook. His friends shook.
Then she told a story about a cat in a graveyard.
The candles made shapes on the walls. Henry shook harder.
Then Henry's mother began telling a story about a pair of shoes that went looking for someone's feet.