Max Max Max Is Angry Max was a very angry boy. All day long, from morning until evening, he was angry. He stomped his feet on the ground. He kicked rocks, cans, fences, and walls. He slammed the drawers of his dresser, and he slammed every door he walked through. When Max's mom asked him to take out the garbage, he made a mean face at her. After the fourth time she asked, he finally took out the garbage. But he spilled it and made a big mess on the floor. When she asked him to clean up th


Max Is Angry
Max was a very angry boy.All day long, from morning until evening, he was angry.He stomped his feet on the ground.He kicked rocks, cans, fences, and walls.He slammed the drawers of his dresser, and he slammed every door he walked through.
When Max's mom asked him to take out the garbage, he made a mean face at her.After the fourth time she asked, he finally took out the garbage.But he spilled it and made a big mess on the floor.When she asked him to clean up the mess, he made another mean face.
One day Max was so angry that he kicked Dusty, the dog.Dusty howled in pain.From that day on, Dusty darted under a chair whenever he saw Max coming.Who wants to play with someone who is angry all the time?
Max's parents tried to talk with him.
“Why are you so angry?” his mom asked.Max made an angry face and stayed silent.
“What's troubling you?” his dad asked.Max only stared at the floor.Max's dad added, “Whenever you're ready to tell us, we're here to listen and help.”
Max went upstairs to his room and slammed the door.He threw himself on his bed, grumbling loudly.He buried his face in his pillow and tried to hide from the world.He didn't want to talk or think. He just wanted to be alone.
Max Begins to Think
But Max's thoughts were loud, and they kept sneaking into his mind.When he tried to push away the thoughts, they kept coming back stronger.Max started thinking about what his parents had said.Suddenly he felt horrible for having kicked Dusty.“I don't want to hurt anyone,” he thought to himself.
Max got up off his bed and went back downstairs.He sat quietly at the bottom of the stairs.He wanted to ask for help, but he didn't know how to because he was still too angry.
When Max's parents saw him, his dad asked, “Son, would you like to talk?”
“Yes, Dad, I would,” Max said.
“We're here,” said his mom. “Please tell us what's going on.”
Max said, “No one listens to me. At school the teacher is the boss.At home you two are the bosses.There's nowhere that I'm the boss.I'm tired of always being told what to do. It makes me mad.”
Max's dad smiled.“I'm glad you could tell us what you've been angry about.We're proud of you. Now, what can we do about this?”
Max's mom said, “Max, how about if you be the boss of something?What would you like to be boss of?”