THE ELEPHANT'S BOAST THE ELEPHANT'S BOAST Chapter 1 Behind the Big Top One day a group of circus animals were sitting around having a conversation. The seal turned to speak to the lion. "I can see why you are considered the mighty king of beasts," she said. "You jumped right through that burning ring at the end of last night's performance. And that roaring thing you do really thrills the crowd. They love the terrifying snarl and the huge teeth." The lion's grin showed his gleaming sharp w


Chapter 1 Behind the Big Top

One day a group of circus animals were sitting around having a conversation.
The seal turned to speak to the lion."I can see why you are considered the mighty king of beasts," she said."You jumped right through that burning ring at the end of last night's performance.And that roaring thing you do really thrills the crowd.They love the terrifying snarl and the huge teeth."
The lion's grin showed his gleaming sharp white fangs.
"I do have impressive teeth," he said, feeling pleased.
The elephant gave a little snort."Those itsy-bitsy choppers of yours look like tiny stumps compared to my mighty tusks."The elephant had a terrible habit of showing off to the others.When it came to boasting, he never missed a chance to describe his many talents.
"Can you use your teeth to rip out a full-grown tree and toss it across a river?" "No," said the lion.
"I did not think so," replied the elephant."Not only do I have these mighty tusks, I have amazing strength."
The ape, who had been relaxing in the shade of a circus wagon, stood up.He puffed out his big chest. "Listen to you, big guy," he said."It so happens that my power is nothing to sneeze at. Watch this."
The ape picked up the seal and held her high over his head.
"Hey, wait a minute," barked the seal.
The elephant looked bored. "You call that strong?I can show how very strong I am without even trying."
Chapter 2 Under the Straw

The elephant leaned against the side of the circus Big Top.The main pole began to sway. The whole tent moved back and forth.It looked as if it were about to fall.The ringmaster and the clowns shouted in surprise.
"As you can plainly see," said the elephant, "this doesn't take any effort at all for me."
The elephant stopped pushing, and the ape set the seal back down on the ground.
"You may be strong," said the seal, "but strength isn't everything.What about this, hose nose?" She balanced a rubber ball on the tip of her nose."Balance takes skill and practice."She gave the ball a little flick, and it landed at the elephant's feet.
The elephant carefully stepped up onto it and balanced perfectly.