Susan's Missing Painting
Susan's Missing Painting Susan's Missing Painting When Susan was one year old, her grandma gave her a present. It was a pack of crayons. Susan loved her crayons. She loved them so much that she ate the red one, the blue one, and part of the yellow one. Susan got her next pack of crayons when she was three years old. This time she knew what to do with all the colors. This time she began to draw. When Susan was seven, she was making art all the time. She painted before breakfast.
Susan's Missing Painting

Susan's Missing Painting

When Susan was one year old, her grandma gave her a present.
It was a pack of crayons.
Susan loved her crayons.
She loved them so much that she ate the red one, the blue one, and part of the yellow one.
Susan got her next pack of crayons when she was three years old.
This time she knew what to do with all the colors.
This time she began to draw.
When Susan was seven, she was making art all the time.
She painted before breakfast.
She even drew at the dinner table.
Sometimes Susan drew things that she saw.
Sometimes she used her imagination and made up things.
Her grandma said, “You will be a great artist one day.”
Susan passed a special place every day on her way to school.
This place had art shows.
Susan always stopped to stare at the paintings.
Some paintings made her feel happy.
Some paintings made her feel sad.
And some made her want to think about things.
“Hurry up!” her mother would say.
Susan was late for school a lot.
One day Susan's teacher, Ms. Ito, said, “I have a surprise.
We are going to the art museum.”
At the museum, some of the children poked each other.
Some tried to run around.
Those children got in trouble and had to sit down.
“Please, everybody,” said Ms. Ito.
“Find a picture you really like.
Then look at it for a while.”
Susan looked at all the paintings in the room.
Then she found the one she liked the best.
It was a painting of a circus.