Morty and the Oatmeal Babysitter
Morty and the Oatmeal Babysitter Morty and the Oatmeal Babysitter Morty is a very mischievous mouse who always does very mischievous things. Morty's day started off badly at breakfast. Morty poured Cheesie O's into his bowl. All three Cheesie O's that is. Someone had eaten the rest and left the empty box in the pantry. He may have done it. He wasn't sure. Now his options for breakfast were bleak. Mother placed a bowl of hot oatmeal in front of Morty. He didn't look up. He was staring at Wh
Morty and the Oatmeal Babysitter

Morty and the Oatmeal Babysitter

Morty is a very mischievous mouse who always does very mischievous things.
Morty's day started off badly at breakfast.Morty poured Cheesie O's into his bowl.All three Cheesie O's that is.Someone had eaten the rest and left the empty box in the pantry.He may have done it. He wasn't sure.Now his options for breakfast were bleak.
Mother placed a bowl of hot oatmeal in front of Morty. He didn't look up.He was staring at Where in the Attic Is Marvin Mouse? on the back of the Cheesie O's box, trying to decode the clues.When Morty finally stuck his spoon into the bowl, the oatmeal was cold and thick.He didn't dare eat it—it could get stuck in his throat!I'll skip breakfast, he thought.Besides, his favorite television show was about to start.
"Morty, I have a special favor to ask you,” Mother said, turning down Mega Mouse at the most exciting part."I need to go help Aunt Edna for a bit.Would you please mouse-sit your brothers and sisters?"
"Uh-huh," Morty answered, without taking his eyes from the TV.
"I don't want you to have any friends in the house.Don't let your brothers or sisters leave the yard either.I should be home in just a few hours." Mother paused and added."If all goes well while I'm gone, I'll take you, Ben, and Fred to the circus tomorrow."
At this, Morty looked up. "Really? The circus? That sounds great!"What could be better than going to the circus with his two best friends?Morty could already smell the cheese popcorn and feel the excitement of the big tents, arcade games, and daring tricks.
Mother planted a kiss on Morty's ear and made one final request: "Please be good."
After she left, Morty cranked up the volume on Mega Mouse.His six brothers and sisters were outside playing.Maybe I'll just stay on the sofa and watch TV until Mom gets home, he thought.But it sure would be great if there were some Cheesie O's to munch on.
A little while later, Morty heard the doorbell ringing.He scampered to the door. When he opened it, Ben and Fred began squeaking at once.
"The circus—it's here!" Ben said. "You have to come now. They're setting up.We can sneak under the back fence to see everything!"
"Yeah, everything—elephants, tigers, the sword swallower, and the fire-breathing mouse!" Fred added.
"Come on! Right now! We can see the stuff that most mice never get to see!" Ben said.
Morty thought, I'll go for only a few minutes, but who can watch the mice if I go?I'd have to be home before Mom comes back.Then Morty had a very mischievous idea.
“I can go,” Morty said. “Send my brothers and sisters inside.I'll need a couple of minutes with them.”
"Oh, and don't come in the house," Morty added,remembering that his Mom had said 'No friends in the house.'
Morty ran to the pantry and got the bulky bag of oatmeal.Then, he started running nice, warm water in the bathtub.As his little brothers and sisters came in, Morty said."Time for a bath. You want to be nice and clean when Mother gets home. Hop in!"Soon the tub was lively, with six little mice splashing in the warm water.
Morty poured the oatmeal into the tub.Oatmeal will make the perfect mouse-sitter, he thought.They won't get into any trouble, and I'll be back in time to free them before Mother returns.Next, Morty turned on the cool water for a quick, almost cement-like thickening.Then he shut off the water and snuck out of the house before the mice had time to squeak.
Ben and Fred led the way as the three mice explored every tent and animal cage.If they weren't helping with the setup, the circus animals were napping,and even the scary lion looked peaceful.On a dare from Fred, Morty squeezed himself through the bars of the cage to gently touch the lion's mane.His heart felt like it would pound right out of his chest with fear.It beat so loudly, he was sure it would wake the lion.