Teamwork Saves the Day
Teamwork Saves the Day Teamwork Saves the Day The Rochette family ate cereal for breakfast every morning. Gabriel liked to read the cereal box. He always checked the box top, too. The cereal company printed points on the box top. Gabriel was saving points to get a soccer T-shirt. Gabriel's sister Denise liked a different cereal. She was saving the points on her box tops to get music CDs. Mom and Dad ate Grain Flakes, a cereal for grown-ups. Their cereal also had points on the box tops. Th
Teamwork Saves the Day

Teamwork Saves the Day

The Rochette family ate cereal for breakfast every morning.Gabriel liked to read the cereal box.He always checked the box top, too.The cereal company printed points on the box top.Gabriel was saving points to get a soccer T-shirt.
Gabriel's sister Denise liked a different cereal.She was saving the points on her box tops to get music CDs.
Mom and Dad ate Grain Flakes, a cereal for grown-ups.Their cereal also had points on the box tops.They could buy bus tickets with these points.
Gabriel and Denise were students at Elmwood School.One day, the principal had good news.The school band was picked to play in a Memorial Day concert in New York City.
There was some bad news, too.The band would need to take a bus, and that would cost a lot.Elmwood School could not afford to send the band.
Gabriel wasn't in the band, but he thought about the problem.Suddenly, he had an idea. "Let's start a Cereal Points Club."
"I get it," said Denise."We'll collect points from cereal box tops to get bus tickets for the band."
"That's a great idea, Gabe!" said Lee Park, Gabriel's best friend.
Everyone helped.Students brought in all the cereal box tops that they had been saving.Soon the club had collected six bags of box tops.
The club members counted the box tops.They found that they had enough points to get T-shirts and music CDs,but they didn't have enough Grain Flakes points for even one bus ticket.
"I can't believe we didn't get more Grain Flakes points," said Denise.
"I think that we forgot to say that we needed only Grain Flakes points," said Gabriel.
Lee had an idea."Let's see if people will trade their Grain Flakes points for the points that we don't need."