The Legend of the North Star
The Legend of the North Star The Legend of the North Star How did the North Star get into the sky? The Paiute Indians imagined this story about the North Star. Look overhead at the sky at night. The sky is filled with stars. Did you know that stars move? A long, long time ago, the Paiute Indians say, the People of the Sky made trails through the heavens. The stars follow these trails as they move in the sky. Each night almost every star is in a different place. Only the North Star stays i
The Legend of the North Star

The Legend of the North Star

How did the North Star get into the sky?The Paiute Indians imagined this story about the North Star.
Look overhead at the sky at night.The sky is filled with stars.Did you know that stars move?A long, long time ago, the Paiute Indians say,the People of the Sky made trails through the heavens.The stars follow these trails as they move in the sky.
Each night almost every star is in a different place.Only the North Star stays in the same place.This is its story.
A long time ago, a mountain sheep called Na-gah lived on earth.His father's name was Shinoh.Na-gah and Shinoh belonged to the People of the Sky.
Na-gah was the strongest and bravest of all the mountain sheep.He liked to climb the tallest mountains.Shinoh was very proud of his son.
One day, Na-gah traveled very far.He saw a tall, rocky mountain.Na-gah wanted to climb this mountain.He was sure that he could do it.He wanted his father to be proud of him.