A Trip to a Prehistoric Cave
A Trip to a Prehistoric Cave A Trip to a Prehistoric Cave Introduction Eager to see stalactites and stalagmites, Emmanuel and Victor begged to see caves while driving through France. They were learning about caves in school and wanted to see some bats, too. "Let's stop at Font de Gaume," said their dad. "It's not far from here, in Les Eyzies.” Chapter 1 A Tour of Font de Gaume Victor, Emmanuel, and their mom and dad signed up for a tour and walked up some steps to the mouth of the cave.
A Trip to a Prehistoric Cave

A Trip to a Prehistoric Cave

Eager to see stalactites and stalagmites, Emmanuel and Victor begged to see caves while driving through France.They were learning about caves in school and wanted to see some bats, too.
"Let's stop at Font de Gaume," said their dad."It's not far from here, in Les Eyzies.”