Chapter Two
Chapter Two Chapter Two Since Alice's mother worked long hours at the factory, Alice did more chores around the house. Most days Alice did not mind the extra responsibility, she felt good being able to help out. Today the one chore she had to do - grocery shopping - made Alice want to groan with the effort it would take. Alice was not in the mood to travel from store to store to find all the items on the shopping list her mother had left along with money and their ration book. Each family had a
Chapter Two

Chapter Two
Since Alice's mother worked long hours at the factory, Alice did more chores around the house.Most days Alice did not mind the extra responsibility, she felt good being able to help out.Today the one chore she had to do - grocery shopping - made Alice want to groan with the effort it would take.Alice was not in the mood to travel from store to store to find all the items on the shopping list her mother had left along with money and their ration book.
Each family had a ration book with stamps for certain kinds of food.Because of the war, the government rationed food to make sure there was enough for everyone when supplies were limited.Stores ran out of the most popular items, such as coffee and canned goods.Alice had to match the right stamps from her ration book with the food on her mother's list.Shopping could take a long time.