The Spider and the Honey Tree
The Spider and the Honey Tree The Spider and the Honey Tree Chapter 1 A Lazy Spider There was a clever girl who lived in a village and had a remarkable skill. She could always find the best things to eat. It was her secret. A spider lived there too. Spider loved to eat, but he was too lazy to go out and find food himself. "Please take me with you when you go looking for things to eat," Spider begged the girl. "I've never done that before," she said. "Do you promise to keep my secrets?" "Y
The Spider and the Honey Tree

The Spider and the Honey Tree

Chapter 1 A Lazy Spider

There was a clever girl who lived in a village and had a remarkable skill.She could always find the best things to eat. It was her secret.
A spider lived there too.Spider loved to eat, but he was too lazy to go out and find food himself."Please take me with you when you go looking for things to eat," Spider begged the girl.
"I've never done that before," she said."Do you promise to keep my secrets?" "You can trust me," said Spider.
"What do you like to eat best?" the girl asked politely."Tell me and I will help you find it."
"I'm fond of plums, and bananas are nice," said Spider. "But most of all, I love honey!"
The girl began to lead Spider into the bush.Spider was thrilled because his plan was working.He had tricked the girl into sharing her secrets.
Chapter 2 Finding Secret Fruits

The girl stopped at a tree.There were only a few ripe plums hanging from its branches,and most people would have walked right by it.
"This tree has the sweetest plums," the girl said."They are juicy and delicious!"
Spider was greedy as well as lazy, so he pushed past the girl and began to snatch the fruit off the tree.He ate every single plum!He did not leave any for the girl, and he did not even say "Thank you." How rude!
Spider's belly was full, but he was greedy and wanted to feast on more fruit.This girl is a fool, he thought, so I will trick her again."Do you know where to find some bananas?" he asked with a smile. "I am very fond of bananas."
"Of course," she said. "Follow me."
Spider could not believe his luck.It was so easy to get all the food he wanted!He raced down out of the tall tree before the girl could change her mind.
"Over here is a small patch of the very best bananas," said the girl.Again, Spider pushed past the girl.He climbed the banana plants and ate all the ripe bananas.Again, he left nothing for the girl, and again, he did not say "Thank you!"