Inside the Beast
Inside the Beast Inside the Beast Ahead of me, the great beast roared from the pit. It seemed to be in pain. Its huge mouth opened...
Alice's New Pet
Alice's New Pet Alice's New Pet Chapter 1 A Kitten? Alice cleared her throat. Her mom was sprawled on the sofa. She was lost in a...
Hello, Koko!
Hello, Koko! Hello, Koko! Chapter 1 The Perfect Pet Matt lives with his grandmother. "Nana," he said, "I think we should get a pet....
Jenny's Habitat
Jenny's Habitat Jenny's Habitat Chapter 1 Choosing a Habitat “Next Thursday is Visiting Day,” said Ms. Carlson. “Visitors will come...
A Space Race
A Space Race A Space Race Chapter 1 The Plan Rick and Rose's friendship began as soon as Rick moved next door. He had moved with his...
Colleen and the Leprechaun
Colleen and the Leprechaun Colleen and the Leprechaun Colleen Goes to Ireland Colleen was so excited! She had never been to Ireland...
The Fishing Derby
The Fishing Derby The Fishing Derby Luis leaped out of bed and yanked on his clothes. He had been impatient for this day all year...
A Dragon's Lullaby
A Dragon's Lullaby A Dragon's Lullaby In a castle high on a mountain lived a kindly dragon named Dario. The dragon looked after the...
The Fun Club Goes to the Aquarium
The Fun Club Goes to the Aquarium The Fun Club Goes to the Aquarium Miss Dimple wanted to take the Fun Club to the beach, but it was...
The Costume Party
The Costume Party The Costume Party Mouse had cleaned her nest. She had stored all the nuts she needed for winter. She had washed...
Story of the Sun
Story of the Sun Story of the Sun Long ago, a curious young boy lived in a far-off land. To the east there were mountains. To the...
Spare the Turkey
Spare the Turkey Spare the Turkey Darryl was excited about having Thanksgiving at his friend Jessica's house. Then his mom said the...
Sparky's Mystery Fortune
Sparky's Mystery Fortune Sparky's Mystery Fortune "Hurry up," said Dad. "Mom is going to wonder where we are. And it's her birthday....
A Child's Life in Korea
A Child's Life in Korea A Child's Life in Korea This is Korea South Korea is a country in Asia. It is far away from the United States....
The Craft Stick Project
The Craft Stick Project The Craft Stick Project As Leila walked into the kitchen, she remembered something that she had to ask her...
The Legend of the North Star
The Legend of the North Star The Legend of the North Star How did the North Star get into the sky? The Paiute Indians imagined this...