Freddy Finds the Thief
Freddy Finds the Thief Freddy Finds the Thief PART ONE In the Castle Hello, I'm the King. King Harold. Hello, I'm the Queen. Queen...
Two Monsters
Two Monsters Two Monsters The house of a bogey man must be dark and dirty. But Slimey is a naughty bogey boy. He is always clean and...
Berries, Berries, Berries
Berries, Berries, Berries Berries Berries Berries Chapter 1 Baking Pies Bear lived in the wild woods. He was busy baking pies in his...
The Magic Computer Mouse
The Magic Computer Mouse The Magic Computer Mouse Great, no school! It's Sunday! Oh, no! It's raining! I want to go to England. I...
CORDUROY CORDUROY Corduroy is a bear who once lived in the toy department of a big store. Day after day he waited with all the other...
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Elves and the Shoemaker The Elves and the Shoemaker A shoemaker, by no fault of his own, became so poor that at last he had nothing...
Snow Camping
Snow Camping Snow Camping January 8,4:00 pm I cannot believe I am going snow camping in two days! Dad promised I could go when I turned...
Grandpa's Scrapbook
Grandpa's Scrapbook Grandpa's Scrapbook "Grandpa, tell us a story!" Elizabeth said to her grandfather. Elizabeth and her brother Jesse...
Vacation Time!
Vacation Time! Vacation Time! The four Hoppers woke up one bright June morning on the first day of vacation. “Where should we go on...
The Sleeping Dog
The Sleeping Dog The Sleeping Dog Long ago, in the time before there were people, a dog was found sleeping in the middle of a dark...
The St. Patrick's Day Mystery
The St. Patrick's Day Mystery The St. Patrick's Day Mystery Aja was excited when she arrived at school. It was her turn to be line...
CHESTER CHESTER Chester was a wild horse. He lived out West with other wild horses. “I wish someone loved me,” said Chester. “I wish...
Chinzaemon the Silent
Chinzaemon the Silent Chinzaemon the Silent A very long time ago, there lived an armorer named Chinzaemon. His swords were very beautiful...
Anansi and the Three Tasks
Anansi and the Three Tasks Anansi and the Three Tasks Cast: Anansi; Sky; Fox: Anansi's wife; Snake; Wasps Scene 1 Narrator: Long ago,...
The First Day
The First Day The First Day Chapter 1 The New School It was a Monday in November. Jay and his mother drove to a yellow brick building....
The Get-Well Wall
The Get-Well Wall The Get-Well Wall Chapter 1 Just in Time! "You're doing very well, class," said Ms. Tallant. The second-graders...