Rowing Boats
Rowing Boats Rowing Boats Wilf, Chip and Craig were going out on the river. Floppy went, too. "We will take those rowing boats," said Dad. "Good choice," said Joy. There goes Floppy! They put the picnic things into the boats, and got in. "Don't forget the coats," said Wilf. It could get cold. "Can I row?" asked Chip. "Yes, I'll show you," said Dad. "You have a go, Craig," said Dad. "With both hands." "Let's stop here for the picnic, called Chip. "But not by those stone
Rowing Boats

Rowing Boats

Wilf, Chip and Craig were going out on the river.Floppy went, too.

"We will take those rowing boats," said Dad.
"Good choice," said Joy.
There goes Floppy!
They put the picnic things into the boats, and got in.
"Don't forget the coats," said Wilf.
It could get cold.
"Can I row?" asked Chip.
"Yes, I'll show you," said Dad.
"You have a go, Craig," said Dad."With both hands."
"Let's stop here for the picnic, called Chip."But not by those stones," said Dad.
"We can unload the boats," said Chip."Hand me the coats," said Craig. Good boys.
"These plums taste very good," said Craig."Home-grown!" said Dad.
"Don't be so annoying, Floppy," said Wilf."He wants his bone!" said Chip.
Suddenly, there was a loud noise.
"What's that?" asked Wilf.
"I can hear voices," said Chip.
Look, it's Roy and Joe!